City of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
550,000+ citizens
GreenBe GOV

Powering Melbourne workers to shift behaviours
Seven-time winner of the world’s most liveable city, the City of Melbourne has a reputation to uphold as a global city leader of sustainability, committed to improving the quality of life for all citizens – including those who travel into the city for work.
With a 455,753 strong workforce (72% of citizens), engaging Melbourne’s city workers and inspiring them to make positive, sustainable changes is vitally important, especially if the city is to meet its sustainability targets.
GreenMoney has enabled the City of Melbourne to start the conversation and take city workers on a journey.
Small behavioural changes = big sustainability impact
Since 2013 the City of Melbourne has harnessed GreenBe’s GOV web and mobile apps to incentivise local residents to live more sustainably. The program has achieved worthy results in engaging with households, educating, motivating and rewarding them for taking sustainable actions such as recycling better.
City of Melbourne recognises that small steps can have a big impact and in order to meet sustainability targets, cities need to connect with and win the hearts and minds of city workers.
“(GreenMoney) is a tangible way for people to show how they can take action on climate change, especially with action challenges (as they) help us to see how many people really engage with doing things that make a difference on sustainability-related matters.”
– Rosie Pham, City of Melbourne
In February 2017, the GreenMoney resident platform was extended to include city workers within key CitySwitch partner organisations, including First State Super, AECOM, Momentum and Aurecon.
Employees of these CitySwitch partner organisations were eager to activate their City of Melbourne account. Over 71% completed their profile, sharing demographic information never previously available to the city, such as how they travel to work and the availability of workplace recycling.
GreenMoney is enabling City of Melbourne to:
- Directly connect with, recognise and reward city workers for taking sustainable actions.
- Deliver regular, personalised digital engagement directly to each worker.
- Promote local venues, retailers and charity organisations.
- Align city workers with the Climate Change Mitigation Strategy.
- Capture demographic data and customer insights.
Key outcomes
Members collectively saved 17,978 kg of CO2, equivalent to planting 817 trees.
City of Melbourne citizens have learned, pledged and taken over 11,500 sustainable actions.
Users responded to say GreenMoney has helped them learn more about sustainability.